Intellectual Mode Beyond the Nation Definition


Intellectual Mode Beyond The Nation Definition 

 You aren't able to explore the system from inside if you do not go beyond borders. 


During the Soviet epoch there was no sense of belonging to any nation, there was only a Soviet race. It was fashioned to be in an intellectual mode - study physics, mathematics, philosophy of physics. I graduated from the special physics-mathematical school of Yerevan State University. Theology was not featured in the Soviet epoch. I specialized in theoretical physics and received my Ph.D. degree at the age of 28. This was seen as an advanced phenomenon. The Soviet approach considered people as a source of intellect without any national belonging. We accepted that the former USSR had a great school of physicists and mathematicians, but the most important value was to be intellectual. Life turned many and many times. After the collapse of the former USSR and the beginning of the Karabakh movement national identity started to be shaped. I was not active enough in social movements, as I left the country for my archeological research at Ghent University, Belgium. In 1994-1995 I stayed in Belgium. In 1996-1997 I did postdoctoral studies at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. 

 The best scholars left the country in the 90s. The Armenian nation has fallen into a national stress. It was painful to witness how the country was crossing a line of poverty. However, the Armenians were united by the national idea - the self-determination and independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. We consider every nation as a system; we understand that there are not many homogeneous systems. We must be open-minded, focused on national features within the international context. Humanity is our main mode of coexistence. Our national features can't be in conflict or contradiction with human values and vectors of humanity development. Every exaggeration leads to war and conflict. We remember that 'every war is against children'. In 1995-1996 I lost both parents. I never said final my goodbye to them. That is why they are still young and alive in my memory.

In 1997 my Greek grandmother Tamara Kalandarova died at the age of 71. While commemorating Grandma, my mother prepared koliva on the Saturday of Souls. It was the first experience of feeling my Greek ancestry. Let's not forget that it was a Soviet time and even the Greek surname Lazaridou was transformed to Lazareva, hiding our Greek descent. Perhaps the Soviet system of atheism and scientific communism, in other words denying religion, led to the situation when national identity was not essential, it was a universe of utopia. Faith came into my life later and as a consequence my ideas and thoughts I have become more spiritual. I was christened almost into my 40s. Everything must be in moderation. Faith turns our feelings and emotions into beautiful ideas, a creative mode of existence.

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